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Support from 
real people

Find answers to all of your questions. Our Help Centre is available in 4 languages.


We’ll always keep you updated about housing legislation, renting contract and taxes in your country.


Get seen in the top of the search results

Highlight your listing in our search results and rent it faster than ever.

I want to sponsor my listing

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B U N D L E  1

P R E M I U M   P L A N   A C C O M M O D A T I O N

2 weeks featured 
on the website


1 sponsored listing

Outstanding appearance* in a list of search results


B U N D L E  2

4 weeks featured 
on the website


1 sponsored listing

Outstanding appearance* in a list of search results

P R E M I U M   P L A N   A C C O M M O D A T I O N


*Sponsored listings give your ads more visibility in the search results list or on the Uniplaces homepage. 

You will have your property rented quickly and securely. More reasons for you to purchase it now:

Ensure more views, more booking requests!


More booking requests
for highlighted listings**


Average site
visits per month**


More views 
in your listing**

Select the plan

Choose the option that best suits your needs

Select the best payment option for you and fill out the required information.

Make the payment

Contact  us at customercare@uniplaces.com to define the listing and the period in which it will be sponsored.

Define details

Rent your property!





Step by step.

How does it work?

Sponsor my listing

Ready to earn?

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Your questions answered

Become a Landlord

Ready to earn?

Get started

Get seen at the top of search results

Sponsor your listing and rent it faster than ever.

HelpList your place


Sponsor my listing

Get seen 
at the top of 
search results

Sponsor your listing and rent it faster than ever.

I want to sponsor my listing

Choose the best plan for you.

2 weeks featured 
on the website



B U N D L E  1

P R E M I U M   P L A N   A C C O M M O D A T I O N

1 sponsored listing

Outstanding appearance* 
in a list of search results

Ensure more views, 
more booking requests!

You will have your property rented quickly and securely. More reasons for you to purchase it now:


More booking requests
for highlighted listings**

Select the plan

Choose the option that best suits your needs


Select the best payment option for you and fill out the required information.

Make the payment


Contact  us at customercare@uniplaces.com 

to define the listing and the period in which it will be sponsored.

sponsoring details


Rent your property!


Step by step.

How does it work?

Buy it now

Ready to earn?

Sponsor my listing

Your questions answered


More views 
in your listing**

4 weeks featured 
on the website



Outstanding appearance* 
in a list of search results

1 sponsored listing

B U N D L E  2

P R E M I U M   P L A N   A C C O M M O D A T I O N

*Sponsored listings give your ads more visibility in the search results list or on the Uniplaces homepage. 


Average site 
visits per month**

**Numbers are estimated based on the website’s history. It is not possible to guarantee any result. To find out how you can increase your chances to receive more bookings requests, it is recommended to visit  this link.

**Numbers are estimated based on the website’s history. It is not possible to guarantee any result. To find out how you can increase your chances to receive more bookings requests, it is recommended to visit this link.

Sponsor my listing

Wait for booking requests and earn money!

Wait for booking requests and earn money!

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